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Working Party volunteers request

As many of you will be aware the Concessionary Path from The Moon Inn to Avenue Close is in a very bad state of repair, made worse by the significant rainfall over the last months.


The Parish Council want to arrange for the path to be repaired but before this is done the drainage issue needs to be addressed.  The amount of rainfall has increased the flow of water from the field to the path and resulted in the path being washed away in a number of places and a constant stream of water flowing down the path . As a result, the path is unusable for some people particularly  those with buggies and the elderly.


The Parish Council want to organise a working party to dig trenches in places below the surface of the path to lay pipe to direct the water under the path.


If you can spare some time to help with this task, please contact the Parish Clerks by Friday 22nd March 2024.

We will then discuss with the volunteers a suitable time/date to start.



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